Sunday, July 29, 2012

"No periods? PCOS is the best condition ever!" and other myths

So I've had some fun comments about my PCOS during my six months since diagnosis. I'm sure anyone who has it has probably had the same, or similar comments made to them.

"You get your period every 80 days? That must be awesome! I wish I had PCOS!"
Okay, let me be the first to say FUCK YOU. I understand that perhaps you were dropped on your head as a child, but you're being an insensitive idiot with that comment.
Yes, my period is erratic, and sometimes I don't get it for almost three months. But then sometimes I get it for a whole month, tell me where the fun is in that. Especially try doing that when the month long bleeding is happening, I dare you.
I can also say that when you are trying to get pregnant, and irregular cycle sucks. Big time. 

"Just lose some weight and your symptoms will go away and getting pregnant will be easy!"
Thanks for that, Einstein. While what you have just told me is actually true, "just losing weight" isn't always that easy when your hormones are psychopathic. 
I eat very well. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, good healthy meals, very little takeout.
I exercise. I walk 90 minutes five times a week. I go to at least one aqua aerobics class a week. I do weights when time allows, which is usually two times a week. And I spend my days taking care of a house and an active one year old. My bloods are extremely healthy, my body just doesn't particularly mirror that.
In saying all that, since cutting processed carbs (bread, pasta, rice) out of my diet, I have actually noticed a change in myself for the first time in a year, which is exciting. There are ways, ladies, just finding it can be difficult. Especially when everyone else makes it look easy by comparison.

"Are you pregnant yet? You've been trying long enough!"
This one is usually asked weekly by well meaning friends.
While I understand the comment is a well meaning one, it doesn't make things very easy. To put things in perspective, during my last three month long cycle, I did seven pregnancy tests. Seven. And each one was a knife in the heart.
When I am pregnant. I'll tell you. I love you all for being concerned, I really do.

"I've never heard of this PCOS thing. Are you making things up?"
No. Don't be a dick. Do you really have hours set aside to sit down and listen to me explain a condition that is really just a bunch of symptoms and not a lot of explanation behind them? No? Yeah, I figured that. It's confusing enough to have, let alone to explain.

"You already have a baby. You should be grateful!"
Me wanting to get pregnant again is not me being ungrateful for my daughter. Ellie is absolutely the light of my husband and I's life and I am thankful for her every single day. The fact is that we would like more children. Now if that can't happen for us then we will face that when we come to it, but for now we are trying to extend our family. Honestly, if we could afford to have five babies and be able to give them everything they need then I'd absolutely do it. For now we'll just settle for one more though ;)

I'm sure this post will be added to from time to time.


  1. "Are you pregnant yet? You've been trying long enough!"

    THIS. TIMES 1,000. I get this ALL the time. And I know my friends and family mean well, but no, thanks for reminding me that my husband and I are currently having infertility issues and I just happened to not be thinking about it and you brought it up. Again. And every time we see each other.

    So we've been actively trying for almost 2 years now. Got through the blood work, ovul tests, HSGs and Brett had a SA. I feel like I kinda know where you are. *BIG BIG HUGS* If you ever want to talk, I'm here, babe.

  2. I don't think people know what to say, really. A lot of the time it's said out of kindness, just idiotic kindness.
    I'm sorry you and Brett are having troubles. Always here if you need to talk to, lovely! I hope it happens for you guys soon <3
